How To Manipulate a Manipulator

How to manipulate manipulator
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How to Manipulate a Manipulator: Taking Control of the Situation


How to manipulate a manipulator this question arises in your mind when you are dealing with such kind of manipulative person. 


and it could be anyone, such as your husband, wife, boss, or even mother and father. Different characteristics are involved in manipulation which may vary from person to person. 


Still, most of the time toxic nature, self-centered behavior, attention-seeking behavior, and abusive nature can be seen in such kinds of manipulative person. Having such a person in life and dealing with them is very difficult. 


but with some tactics and psychological strategies, you can easily beat them in this game of manipulation.


1. Recognize the Manipulation Tactics


Before doing anything understanding the tactics of the manipulator is important following are the most common tactics manipulators generally use to manipulate a person.


1. Guilt-tripping: making you feel guilty by using negative talk and recalling various mistakes done in the past again and again so that you feel shameful and miserable about yourself.


2. Gaslighting: creating confusion in another person’s mind so you feel doubtful about the incident and memories 


3. Silent Treatment: a most common treatment from the manipulator where they stop all communication with you so that you can feel bad about yourself.


4. Victim Mentality: start acting like a victim bringing up how bad things happened to them how much they suffered how difficult times they faced, crying, showing helplessness, and saying stuff like nobody cares about them like that. 


Once you get the idea of how psychologically repetitive mind games they are playing with you now here are the strategies you can follow to fall the game into them.


2. Stay Emotionally Detached


Manipulator feed on reactions such as anger, frustration, yelling, and shouting no matter how hard they try to emotionally trigger you if you just stay calm and patient and don’t react there it will eventually stop them from believing their motive of manipulation. 


it is a very difficult thing to be calm and patient while another person is repetitively trying to trigger you but once you achieve this ability you will win half of the war simply by doing an emotional detachment strategy.


Tips: When you feel triggered, take a deep breath and remind yourself that reacting emotionally gives them what they want. 


every time you remain calm give yourself rewards and self-appreciation which will motivate you to do this again in future encounters.


3. Set Boundaries Firmly


Manipulators will try to push up to the boundary where you completely lose your patience and will react which they want in the end eventually. 


to stop this situation from happening setting a clear-cut boundary at first is a must. when manipulators start manipulating you by gaslighting or with any of their tactics stop them there at the early stage you can do this using words like 


‘I know what you are trying to do’ 

‘this will not work this time’ 


‘I do not want to talk further until you stop bringing up old stuff and negative conversation’


this kind of phrase will surely give them a strong message that the things they are trying to do are not going to work anymore you have all the idea of what’s going on. setting such kinds of limitations at the beginning will surely help you avoid further damage. 


4. Mirror Their Tactics (Without Becoming Like Them)


One powerful way to manipulate a manipulator is to mirror their tactics. If they trying to twist the situation upon you the same thing you can do that as well like asking them questions about 


“Why do you think that you should feel guilty”


“Could you please repeat the words so I could understand where I made the mistake?”


This kind of question will surprise them and could give them a shock for a while and will help you to manage further argument. by lowering their intensity and force in the fight.



5. Stay Unpredictable


Manipulators rely on predictability they expect the same reaction as the last time and plan their phrases before that if you manage to change the old repetitive reaction like 


“staying calm instead of getting angry or 


“staying firm instead of collapsing” 


this will give them the clear-cut idea that their tactics and predictions are not going to work anymore either they have to come up with something new or have to surrender and have to stop their mind games on you. 


6. Use Information Sparingly


Manipulators often use personal information against you. Be careful while sharing any information with them any information such as your plans, wish list, or a simple thing you had recently purchased could be informative to them. 


they can use all this data according to their manipulative tactic and will use it against you. 


when they try to get detailed information about anything personal give a short reply like 


“Not yet decided”


“I had nothing in mind”


“I didn’t think about it” 


like that would stop them from entering your personal space so they could not manipulate you.


7. Call Out Their Behavior Calmly


Sometimes, the best way to deal with manipulators is to let them realize that you know what they are exactly doing by using words For example:


“I notice that whenever I disagree with you, you make me feel guilty. I won’t accept that.”


“It seems like you’re trying to make me question my memory, and that’s not okay.”


By calling out their manipulation in a calm, relaxed way using assertiveness techniques, and not getting aggressive and angry this method will surely help you to stop that person doing manipulating you.


8. Control the Conversation


One common tactic manipulators generally use is controlling the conversation by diverting it to another topic or using a blaming method and recalling older memories for diversion. 


whenever you identify such kind of tactics in your manipulative partner when they are trying to use them during the conversation you can simply use some phrases like.


“let’s not talk about the past lest stay at the main topic which we are talking about right now until the conclusion”


“Don’t try to divert the conversation on some another topic let’s stick to the point and finish it”


Remember by controlling the conversation according to their needs manipulators feel powerful even after these phrases if manipulators try to push you further silence is the best option.


saying simple words like I won’t talk until you just stick to the point and stop bringing older stuff into the conversation. These methods and tactics will surely help you take control of their manipulation game.


9. Withdraw Attention When Necessary


Manipulators crave attention and control, so sometimes the best strategy is to withdraw both. 


By not engaging in their manipulative tactics focusing on yourself and your work not engaging with them in their mind games and the conversation is the best thing you can do. 


sometimes things just get out of control and get very difficult to handle by yourself at this time avoidance is the only option that you have left with.


Tip: If they start gaslighting or guilt-tripping, simply walk away or disengage from the conversation with, “I don’t have the energy to deal with this right now.” use these words and move away from that particular space.


10. Strengthen Your Self-Worth


Manipulators often target people who have insecurities or low self-esteem. Building up a positive mindset and working on self-worth will boost your confidence making it harder for them to affect you. 


The more you value yourself, the less likely you are to tolerate manipulative behavior.


Consider affirmations, therapy, or mindfulness techniques to boost your self-esteem, and surround yourself with people who respect your boundaries. 


taking professional advice from the psychologist and the counselor will also surely help you to win this war against manipulators.





By recognizing manipulation tactics and using strategic responses, you can take control of the situation and protect yourself from a manipulative person. 


Staying emotionally detached, setting firm boundaries, mirroring their tactics without becoming like them, and staying unpredictable are effective methods. 


Additionally, using information sparingly, calling out their behavior calmly, controlling the conversation, withdrawing attention when necessary, and strengthening your self-worth will help you beat manipulators at their own game.


Points to remember


1. Set firm boundaries and don’t engage in negative conversations.


2. Mirror their tactics with thoughtful questions to regain control.


3. Stay unpredictable in your reactions.


4. Use personal information sparingly to avoid giving them ammunition.


5. Call out manipulative behavior calmly and assertively.


6. Control the conversation and avoid diversions.


7. Withdraw attention and disengage when necessary.